Today in day all the mass media and even our family and society use somehow the dread already it is to get scared or to motivate ourselves, to diary we see the advertising and see since in some cases there are used messages that confuse the persons or influence their decisions to buy a product or to need a service, like for example, the tablets to slim, you safety alarm they say to us that if we do not buy his products we should prune to be fats forever in case of the tablets and the thieves would damage to us in case of the alarms, it is the game of big corporations that they use dirty tricks to convince wings you present inclusive to the children. But we must know that it is the fear and how it affects us:
Real fears:
Real fears " We deal for this type of fears those(that) produced by a certain situation or fact ", explains the expert. Like example, Tirigall mentions that if we were in the jungle and we were listening closely to the yell of a lion, the fear would serve to become aware of the risk that it might traverse our life. This Tirigall defines it as archetypal intelligence, which is the one that is going to take possession of us when we face the danger and is going to motivate us to effecting(carrying out) some action (to run, to hide, to immobilize ourselves, etc). Said differently, when the hand puts consciously on a lit burner, immediately a force superior(top) us - that Tirigall identifies since " a top intelligence " - will make us withdraw her(it) immediately. In the same way(alike), if we were trying to suppress consciously our breathing in some time, eventually we would feel the imperious impulse of returning to breathe.
The cases previously mentioned are directly linked to facts. The facts exist and we have to answer them since we prune. Nobody can prevent this type of fear being produced, provided that we all are exposed to them ", notices.
Imaginary fears
As if it was not being enough with all the royal(real) things that can intimidate us, also there exist the dreads that create we themselves " by means of the imagination and the thought ", like Indian Tirigall. These fears " they are fed exclusively on our mind, though they are projected on royal(real) situations ", it affirms, and " generally they are related to past or future situations ". But, instead of fight against these ghosts, thing that " he would lead us, inevitably, to the increase of the above mentioned fear, provided that it fortifies by means of the struggle ", the specialist suggests another tactics. " We have to learn to realize the enormous power of our mind to generate all kinds of fears ". If, as him it suggests, we accept that " the thoughts are only ideas " and we learn to not grant him(her) " excessive importance to everything what the mind says to us ", we will manage recover to them.
" When we grant to them less attention to the thoughts that generate theirs fears, it is very probable that the same ones already do not affect us ", he concludes Tirigall.
More common fears
In agreement with his experience, Roberto Tirigall mentions some of the toxic thoughts and pollutants of the imaginary mind, who devote each other with more frequency: Worry for the future (" a catastrophic vision of the future ") What can go on to us to physical level (accidents, diseases) What can happen to us with the pair(couple) (that leaves us, that cheats us) To lose the employment Fear of relating and to interact, dread of not being accepted or of not being at a height(the level) of the circumstances.
What we can do??
The psychologist also mentions several strategies to offset the dreads provoked by what he defines like our " chatty mind ".He learns to give up the toxic thoughts, one sees " light of baggage ". He practices technologies(skills) of breathing, easing and meditation. He(She) remembers that the thoughts are only it, thoughts, and not fact. He learns to calm the interior dialogue. The mind is a compulsive saleswoman of thoughts and him(her) it is not necessary to believe everything what says to us. It turns aside your attention of the toxic thoughts, focusing in something that you like. You do not identify with your dreads(fears), but you do not suppress them either; simply don’t worry about them
. The publicists know all that and use it against us in a manipulative way.
In case of our parents they threaten us sometimes to remove ourselves or to deprive ourselves of something that we need or that would give us dread to lose them or not to be able to do certain activity. So we must know what affects us to be able to control our dreads and not to allow that they should manipulate us for it. Not to leave ourselves to be deceptive for the advertising and in case of our parents. This I consider it to be a deceitful advertising.
"... Slims without stopping eating "
"...Discovers the most effective treatment against the cancer "
"... The AIDS has priest "
" ... tries the vitamins of fin of shark against arthritis "...
... They are phrases that for some time are listened in our country. In the corners, cabins of telephones, drugstores, newspapers, and even in the television and in the radio we prune to find announcements and cartels in which they offer themselves the consumers " miraculous solutions " for the most diverse evil. But, what is of certainly in these promises? ... ¿ they are effective the treatments to slim without doing exercise?
The success of the frauds
When the health starts spoiling, and specially in case of diseases that still(yet) do not have priest, " charlatans enter action " selling false hopes. Due to previous, thousands of new weight of the consumers are wasted in treatments and useless products, which they put to the sale fraudulently. And while there are waited the results that will never come, some persons with serious problems of health waste the time that they might dedicate to following a suitable treatment, and what is much bad: using products that can aggravate the evil or to originate another suffering.
Don’t allow to be deceptive
It is not left to be deceptive Before being decided to acquire some product to relieve or to improve the health, he does not forget that for the present exist sufferings for which does not exist he recovers, since it is the case of the different types of cancer, the AIDS and arthritis, and so on.
The affirmation of which a person can eat everything what wants and simultaneously to lose weight without less effort is totally false; to reduce the corporal weight it is necessary to diminish the consumption of calories or increase the physical exercise. There do not exist products that strengthen the muscles without effort or manage to increase the muscular soundness without the help of exercises. Though some products are promoted like " completely natural ", it does not guarantee his(its) efficiency to improve the health.
Don’t believe the companies that,does not forget that is very probable that the persons in charge of this type of organizations are never present to answer to a demand(lawsuit). Before being decided to take any dietetic supplement or product to slim, he consults his pharmacist, doctor or any another professional of the health.
it motivate people to don't smoke
The arguments used by the charlatans to cheat the consumers are great and, in the majority of the cases, very convincing. In order to orientate it, later we present some of the most frequent cases: The product promises to be as one rapid and effective recovers for a great number of diseases. The seller uses the words as: " scientific discovery ", " he(she) recovers miraculous ", " exclusive product, " secret ingredient "o" ancient remedy ". In the advertising testimonies have been included not documented and he(she) insures himself(herself) that the product has given magnificent results. Using different arguments, the seller affirms that scientists, investigators, doctors and authorities of the government have conspired to suppress the sale of the product.
As previous, many can be the used tactics. Reading friend, is not left to be deceptive, if he needs information about some hospital or medicine especially, put in touch with the corresponding authorities or his(its) doctor of confidence. Nobody better than they to orientate it, and do not forget it: They use the dreads like continuing with a disease if I do not buy them their medicines and examples like that, it is not necessary to stop be deceptive.
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